150 years ago

Avery comments: J.C. Avery, in his Benton Democrat, prates loudly about corrupt jobs. It may be a digression from the subject, but the citizens of Benton county are anxious about a report regarding the money collected to defray the expenses of that Board of Equalization suit. (Published May 22, 1874, in the State Rights Democrat, Albany).

125 years ago

Bicycle path: The Philomath bicycle path is well nigh completed. The public highway in that direction gives ample opportunity for the construction of an excellent path. With this one completed and two remaining ones to Albany and Monroe, Corvallis will be the center for the wheel courses of the county. As her name signifies, she is “Heart of the Valley” in all things whatever it may be. (Published May 19, 1899, in the Corvallis Union-Gazette).

100 years ago

KV grange: M.C. Glover, overseer of the Oregon State grange, and national grange organizer, has been in Kings Valley this week making arrangements for organizing a grange. He is assisted by E.A. Blake, county grange deputy. The grange was organized Thursday evening, May 15, with a membership of 40 or more. Mt. View grange was invited to attend this meeting and assist in the organization. (Published May 16, 1924, in the Benton Independent).

75 years ago

Toddler found: The little 15-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Griner of Summit, after spending last Sunday in the woods alone and lost, was found by her grandfather, William Newport, Monday morning about two miles from her home on the north fork of the Mary’s river. According to the report of Deputy Sheriffs Aaron Dearing and Eric Lindquist, who aided in the search Sunday night, the child had toddled the distance along the old logging road. Other than being cold and having swollen feet, the little girl appeared none the worse for her experience of being lost all night in the woods. (Published May 19, 1949, in the Benton County Herald).

40 years ago

Book removed: The parent of a Philomath Middle School student has requested that two books dealing with the super natural be removed from the school library shelves. After an advisory committee last week reviewed the request … one book has been removed and the other book will be reviewed by the school board before a decision is made. The book removed from the library is titled, “Visions of the Future: Magic Boards.” (Published May 16, 1984, in the Benton Bulletin).

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